Category Archives: Articles

Catching a Glimpse of the Muslim Soul

During my brief stint as a college teacher, one of the subjects I handled was Philippine Literature. In an effort to show that our regions are rich in stories, one of the places I looked to was Mindanao. Having visited the islands before, I wanted my students to go beyond the vistas, the durian and the kris, and see who the Muslim Filipino is. The story I assigned for discussion was “Blue Blood of the Big Astana” by Ibrahim Jubaira, whose story is the most frequently included in anthologies.

As I recall, the discussion went well in one class; however, I was struck by a student’s comment that he wished there were more stories of Muslim Filipinos, as he apparently had distant relations in Mindanao. I can still remember how he wistful he looked, his eyes eloquent with the unexpressed questions in his search for family and identity.

One of the books that could have helped him was released by Anvil Publishing, Inc.. Titled “The Many Ways of Being Muslim: Fiction by Muslim Filipinos” and edited by Coeli Barry, this landmark collection brings together a range of short fiction written by Muslim Filipinos over nearly seven decades, beginning in the 1940s. As these stories reflect, Muslims in the predominantly Catholic Philippines have helped define the contemporary Filipino identity and intellectual life in rich and varied ways.

These 22 stories provide the reader with glimpses of various facets of the Muslim Filipino. From the ironic yet humorous twist in Jubaira’s tale of “Bird in a Cage”, the tragic reality that usually winds up as headline fodder of Elin Anisha Guro’s “The Homecoming”, to the clash of tradition with modern times in “Panggud” by Calbu Asain, this collection of tales show how political conflict, uneven economic development and socio-cultural and religious movements underscore the forces that shaped the development of fiction writing from this region.

As to how ‘Muslim’ this collection of writing is, Barry notes in her Introduction: “The ways in which Muslim identities are revealed in this volume is related to the complex ways members of this minority have assimilated themselves or been kept apart from dominant cultural and political life in the Philippines. Muslim Filipino identities are not uncontested, least of all by those who embrace them, nor are they fixed across time. The writers of this anthology demonstrate the diversity of meanings being Muslim Filipino can have.”

***This article originally appeared in now defunct***


Motherhood Statements: Remembering the First Lady in Our Life

Nanay, mom, mama, nay, inay, mommy, mudra. Many are the names used to call the woman who carried us for nine months, and nurtured us for the rest of our lives until her very last breath. And she is the subject of the book “Motherhood Statements” from Anvil Publishing.

Edited by Rica Bolipata-Santos and Cyan Abad-Jugo, this collection of essays from 30 writers paid homage to the first lady of their lives. Some recollections discussed the dynamics between the writers and their mothers, such as Gilda Cordero-Fernando’s making sense of her relationship with her mom (who is seen as playing the bad guy in her eyes). Others talked about being mothered by others, such as the poignant essay of Shakira Andrea Sison’s “The Santol Tree”; or the intellectual yet funny observations of Mookie Katigbak Lacuesta in relation to her son and his yaya in “Mothers and Other Bilingual Animals”. Even non- traditional families, like a two-mommy household, is discussed in April Timbol Yap’s “Not One But Two”.

Even sons got into the act, with their varied remembrances tinged with exasperated fondness, heroine-worship, and the understanding acceptance of moms as all- too-human women. It was a treat to read the likes of Gemino Abada, Charlson Ong, Ambeth Ocampo, and Ian Rosales Casocot talk about their mothers through the prism of love.

But it was Mari Jina Andaya’s “Living With Mom” and FH Batacan’s “To A Friend Who is Losing Her Mother” that struck a nerve too close to home for me. Andaya’s piece is reminiscent of wry remembrances of wishing our mothers would tone down their incessant observations/reminders/outright nagging from their breaking-the-sound-barrier level. After Andaya recalls a particular high-decibel lecture, she writes, “Where in the world can you find an alarm clock that sounds like that? AND IT COMES WITH A BUILT-IN MOTHER!” But alas, the alarm clock that is her mother soon disappeared with the advent of Alzheimer’s disease, which consumed not only her memory, but also her feistiness and her lust for life. Andaya’s essay was a moving remembrance to her mother’s memory.

Batacan, on the other hand, writes an epistle to a friend, answering a lot of questions that most children will eventually have to face when it comes to their aging parents. Amidst the advice about health care and dealing with the unexpected, there are also words on things to tell one’s mother as the days speed by, even words about the seemingly unimportant. The most important thing, writes Batacan, is just “to tell her.”

In the end, however, “Motherhood Statements” celebrates the full spectrum of mothers and mothering. As the book’s introduction put it, “At the heart of the universe is the truth that all things come through a mother. That truth colors all our ideas of mothering and being mothered, or, in some cases, smothered.”

***This article originally appeared in now defunct***

Post-Storm Musings: After the Storm, Stories on Ondoy

After the devastation wrought by Yolanda, I sometimes wonder if we ever learn our lessons in preparing for these yearly disasters. True, man can only hope of controlling Mother Nature the same way King Canute dreamed of holding back the waves. But given the regular visits of these catastrophes, it is truly a puzzlement why we’ve yet to become proactive instead of being reactive in these times of disasters. That is why even after four years, I find After the Storm: Stories on Ondoy by Anvil Publishing still relevant in today’s times.

Edited by Elbert Or, the essays in this compilation were mostly written in the midst of and immediately after the typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng in 2009. In his Introduction, Or writes, “All of these essays are collected here to serve as a written record to remind everyone that Ondoy happened. That if we are not careful to learn from our experiences, then another disaster may find us unprepared yet again.”

Seeing how these were written during, before, or immediately in the aftermath of the storms, the quality of the essays wasn’t even. Oh, there were gems amidst the collection, starting off with poetic “The Last” by Ruel S. De Vera. Reading how a former favorite volume rose in the floodwaters to float off, in the company of the writer’s other books, triggered in me a similar memory so painful that it was almost a visceral blow. My entire library of 16 years drowned in the torrent of Talayan Creek water in less than 30 minutes. I never thought I’d see the day where hardbound books would be doing the butterfly stroke in the flood, or that a lesbian literary classic would freestyle its way to the bottom of the swollen creek.

But if this writer thought that opening salvo was painful, it was the recounting of MVX Ong of his family’s ordeal in”Nakapanlulumo” that made me want to weep in the face of his remembered fear, rage, helplessness and a maelstrom of other emotions during those perilous hours. Written in Filipino, his essay captured the gritty reality of trying to fight back against the fury of the relentless rain and the rising flood–and the determination to succeed.

Luis Buenaventura II tackles a diametrically opposite viewpoint in his “An Unpopular Opinion on Volunteerism”. In his short piece, he logically argues his point on how help could be better done by staying where one is, and donating his earnings for the day directly to the aid effort instead of spending his man-hours’ potential income bagging food and clothes. Or, in other words, maximizing one’s resources that are immediately on hand.

Other contributors of the book include Cathy Babao Guballa, Ramil Digal Gulle, Rene B. Javellana, SJ, Jim Paredes, Mar Roxas, MRR Arcega, Tania Arpa, Javier Bengzon, benignO, Arvin de Leon, Zarah Gagatiga, Norman Clarence T. Lasam, Gabriella Lee, Stefan Saurez, Fidelis Tan, Martin Villanueva, and Lawrence Ipil.

After the Storm: Stories on Ondoy is available at National Bookstore.

***This article originally appeared in now defunct***

Home 101: Don’t Get Burned

One firefighter lists the do’s and don’ts to fire safety
originally published in Good Housekeeping, April 2004, page 112

When it comes to fires, this year got off to a blazing start: the first 15 days of 2004 saw Metro Manila suffering a succession of fires, mostly in residential areas.

Most fires are caused by negligence, such as leaving burning candles or plugged-in appliances unattended. Prevention, says Chuck Chua, president and fire chief of the San Andres Volunteer Fire brigade, is still key. He offers advice on staying fire-free.

  1. Have a fire exit. When designing and building your home, make sure it conforms to fire and building codes. Is there a fire escape or a window exit? your window may be barred but make sure the grills have an access point with the padlock key hung nearby.
  2. Have a plan. Establish an escape route, a meeting point, and a roll call or buddy system. To remain effective, conduct a fire drill to familiarize your family on the fastest and safest ways out.
  3. Prepare an emergency bag. Keep important documents (like passports, land titles, bank papers, etc.) in a yellow or orange carry-all. If you must evacuate, the bright-colored bag can be easily spotted and carried out.
  4. Regularly check and maintain electrical wirings, as well as LPG tanks, stoves and stove valves — the last three in order to prevent gas leaks.
  5. Post emergency numbers beside each of your telephones at home to make it easy to report a blaze. When calling in, give the exact location of the fire, your complete address and the nearest corner or any landmarks.

Of course, a fire could still break out despite your best precautions. What should you do if you get caught in one?
Don’t panic is Chua’s first rule. Just calmly follow the procedure you and your family have agreed on. More valuable tips from Chua:

  • Evacuate immediately. Make sure to alert everybody by shouting “Fire!”
  • Watch where you go. Before opening a door, check for heat using the back of your palm. If the knob is cool enough to touch, it’s safe to open. If the corridor is starting to fill with smoke, crawl out to the nearest exit. The space between the floor and the smoke offers some breathable air. Use a piece of cloth to cover your nose and mouth to keep you from inhaling the smoke.
  • If the door is hot to the touch, do not open it — the fire may already be on the other side. use a wet towel or blanket to block the base of the door and bar any smoke. Stay near the windows and scream or do whatever it takes to call the attention of firefighters and rescuers.
  • Just leave your things. When you have successfully escaped a burning house, do not return for anything. Lives are top priority, not material things.
  • Do a head count. In case a family member is missing, inform the firefighters as soon as they arrive, explain in detail the ins and outs of your house, and let the firefighters do their job.

The San Andres Manila Volunteer Fire Brigade is a member of the Association of Volunteer Fire Chiefs and Firefighters of the  Philippines, Inc. Their hotline, open 24/7, is 16-0-16.

Market Yourself for an International Career

published in Girlfriend magazine, August 2008, pp.32-35

Here’s how to tailor your resume for international headhunters – and how to see through scams.

Whether you’re a fresh grad or an old-timer in the workforce looking for greener pastures, there’s a big chance that you’ll scan the classifieds and online job postings, only to sigh over the slim pickings. What now? Why not train your eyes abroad – go overseas!

“The advantage of the international job market is that they are not as restrictive as local hiring when it comes to, say, gender or age”, according to Vanessa dela Cruz, an HR officer in the finance sector. “As long as the applicant have the competencies and skills for the job, hiring managers would consider the candidate as a potential hire.”

But given the highly competitive jobmarket, how can one’s resume would be noticed amidst the sea of equally-qualified applications?


For one, study the job you’re applying for. “Highlight your ‘job fit’ to the position you’re applying for. Tailor your resume in such a way that your skills will closely match the requirements of the job vacancy”, dela Cruz advised.

In his book “The Elements of Resume Style”, professional career coach Scott Bennet advises applicants to streamline their resumes to catch and keep a hiring manager’s attention. “…the most effective communicators…create brief resumes. The ability to communicate effectively is prized by every employer. Show employers you possess this skill by ‘writing short’. Candidates who ‘write long’ reveal (1) an inability to organize and convey complex information quickly and (2) disrespect for the reader’s time.” A maximum of two pages is all it should take. “As a hiring officer, short but concise is preferred”, as dela Cruz puts it.

What should go in a resume? Opening it is the header: your full name, your address, your contact details such as land line number, mobile number and email address. When drafting your resume for an overseas employer, remember the following:

    • Omit academic degrees (eg., MBA, MD, MFA, PhD) from your name on the resume. Your identity and training a two different things. Plus, this kind of information is more appropriate under the ‘Education’ section; avoid duplication.
    • Make sure you have an appropriate email address. Really now, do you think your application would be taken seriously if your email address is something like “”?
    • Make sure that your phone numbers include the correct area code. For Manila, add the prefix +632. Those in the provinces can look up their area code from their local telephone service provider.

The best way to sell your skills and experience is to draft your resume in an easy-to-read yet professional format. Your resume can broken down into sections: Education, Work Experience, Software Skills, Language Skills.
For a new graduate, or have recently completed graduate school, and you have little relevant work experience, the Education section comes first. Those who finished an MBA, masteral or doctoral degree are required to indicate his grade point average (GPA) on the resume.

Under Work Experience, indicate the starting month and year and the ending month and year of each work entry. Exclude bullets; instead, write three to six action statements in a paragraph as a position description or blurb per position.
The Software Skills section conveys your ability to use and navigate computer systems. List the operating systems you use (e.g., Windows, MAC OS, Linux), office applications (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Firefox) and programming languages (e.g., C++, Java, HTML) when applicable.

Fluency in a language other than English and Filipino is another plus. List down the languages you can read, speak and write and specify your degree of fluency in each.

Include the Memberships section only if your membership helps you build skills relevant to an employer, or it effectively showcases your marketable skills.

For the Personal Information section, in the U.S., listing one’s age, height and weight (unless applying for an acting, modeling, physical education or law enforcement job), hobbies, interests, health and marital or parental status on a resume is generally a waste of the reader’s time, and may be seen – depending on the organization’s culture – as inappropriate, irrelevant, silly or of no interest. Your resume is not an autobiography.

The References statement can be excluded, as employers will ask for this separately.


To ensure that you set the right tone for your document, use the proper elements to showcase it with.

Paper – plain white paper is the way to go. It conveys both professionalism and credibility. Bookpaper 120gms. is good for starters.

  1. Ink – print your resume in black; any other color, and you risk not being taken seriously by employers.
  2. Margins – set all margins (left, right, top and bottom) to one inch. This will make your paper look neater, and make it stand out of the stack.
  3. Font – for better response, choose a serif font (such as Times New Roman); according to research done by advertising experts, these types of fonts are easier for readers to understand and thus generate more responses than sans serif or flat fonts (such as Arial).
    • To maintain a crisp, organized look, use no more than two font sizes. Use one size for your name (14 to 18 point), and another for the rest (11 to 12 point).
    • Boldface, italics, all caps, underlining – use boldface only on your name and the section headings. Italics can be applied to Latin honors (eg., cum laude) and other foreign phrases, and to names of publications, such as your school paper.
  4. Never use all caps, as many readers could construe this as rude (ie., the written equivalent of shouting), as well as underlining, as this could distract the reader from other parts of your resume.

Finally, before sending off your resume, make sure to proofread it and clean up any typos you find. Don’t rely on the built-in spell-checker of your program, as it is not an editor.

Dela Cruz reminds applicants, “An impressive comrehensive resume is one tool to land at least an interview; but in this growing job market, its really difficult to send just one application to one company. Better to send to all vacancies you feel you have the capacity to perform at your best..parang raffle, the more entries, the more chances of winning!”


A resume is not a curriculum vitae (CV). A CV is generally used by academics and is longer than a resume. It includes detailed chronologies of presentations, publications, monographs/journals, field, teaching, and research experiences, and can run many pages. The sheer length and detail of a CV makes it inappropriate for a resume.

According to the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), workers’ qualifications must now include knowledge and appreciation of cultural values of the destination countries aside from language proficiency. The overseas labor market is becoming complex as it is now requiring specialized competencies for certain occupations. Depending on the position and the destination country, some of these qualifications include cultural adaptability, skills training, computer training, elderly and pet care, and a basic knowledge of the local culture, laws and racial sensitivities.

To maximize your job search, it pays to broaden the parameters of the hunt. In today’s fast-paced, wired world, going online can pay off with more leads than by limiting your search in the classifieds of the broadsheets. Some of the popular job search engines include:

    1. – sign up for a free account, then tailor your search by the country of your choice. Countries supported include those in Southeast Asia such as Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong,
    2. – also offers a free account, as well as access to job listings abroad such as Southeast Asian countries.
    3. – It is an overseas job portal that is also a Philippine manpower pooling site for the top recruitment agencies in the Philippines accredited by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).


Working abroad involves a series of procedures to follow. You have to secure a passport and work visa, prepare application forms and other documents to support your application describing the employment, your reason for travel, and your financial status, undergo a medical examination by a Department of Health-accredited clinic or hospital and participate in a pre-departure orientation seminar.
Given how costly and time-consuming the process is, some applicants wishing to fast-track their application turn to immigration consultants that promise immediate departure. Unfortunately, most of the applicants just end up being victimized by illegal recruiters. To avoid becoming victims, here are additional information and tips from the POEA:


    • Immediately asks for a placement fee or any corresponding payment without issuing a receipt
    • Promises a speedy departure to another country
    • Requires immediate medical examination or training even if there is still no ready employer or contract
    • Transacts business with applicants at public places like restaurants, malls, etc. and not at the office of a licensed agency
    • Conducts house-to-house recruitment of applicants
    • Does not give enough information about the job being applied for
    • Claims that there is a direct employer and the applicants do not have to pass through POEA
    • Promises a speedy departure of the applicant using a tourist or visit visa
    • Does not have any employment contract or work visa to present
    • Introduces self to be an employee of a licensed recruitment agency but does not have any ID
    • Introduces self to be connected to a travel agency or training center
    • Encourages applicants to gather more applicants to speed up departure
    • Does not give enough correct information about himself such as complete name or address
    • Promises to send documents to POEA for processing (especially in the case of EPS-Korea)
    • Encourages you by saying that he has sent one or more applicants already using a tourist visa


    • Escort Services – Undocumented workers are escorted at the airport or any international exit to evade checkpoints set to check on the documents of workers.
    • Tourist/Worker Scheme – Workers leave the country purportedly as tourists but in reality is being deployed as workers abroad.
    • Assumed Identity – Workers particularly minors are deployed abroad under an assumed identity.
    • Direct Hiring – Workers are hired by foreign employers without the intervention of licensed recruitment agencies and are deployed undocumented and without protection.
    • Trainee Worker Scheme – Hired workers are deployed allegedly not for employment but for training purposes only and will return to sending company after training.
    • Backdoor Points Scheme – Workers are sent abroad not through regular exit channels like airports but are deployed usually through cargo ships.
    • Tie-Up System – Unlicensed recruiters with foreign principals who are usually in the blacklist use the name and offices of licensed recruiters in their illegal activity.
    • Visa Assistance/Consultancy Scheme – Firms that offer services including the pairing of workers with foreign employers and promising applicants immigrant visas but are in reality engaged in the recruitment business.
    • Blind Ads Scheme – Workers are enticed to apply and send cash payments addressed to a Postal Office Box without the worker having the opportunity to communicate personally with the recruiter.


    • Do not apply at recruitment agencies not licensed by POEA.
    • Do not deal with licensed agencies without job orders.
    • Do not deal with any person who is not an authorized representative of a licensed agency.
    • Do not transact business outside the registered address of the agency. If recruitment is conducted in the province, check if the agency has a provincial recruitment authority.
    • Do not pay more than the allowed placement fee. It should be equivalent to one month salary, exclusive of documentation and processing costs.
    • Do not pay any placement fee unless you have a valid employment contract and an official receipt.
    • Do not be enticed by ads or brochures requiring you to reply to a post office (P. O.) box, and to enclose payment for processing of papers.
    • Do not deal with training centers and travel agencies, which promise overseas employment.
    • Do not accept a tourist visa.
    • Do not deal with fixers.


For violations of recruitment laws and rules and regulations by any recruitment agency such as overcharging of placement fee, premature collection of placement fee, misrepresentation, withholding of travel documents, failure to deploy without valid reason, failure to reimburse documentation expenses when deployment did not take place without the worker’s fault, and substitution and alteration of employment contract, you may file administrative cases at: the Legal Assistance Division, Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch, 4th Floor, POEA Building. You may also file your complaints at the nearest POEA/DOLE regional office and NBI/PNP headquarters in your area.

Godiva Beauty Bulletin November 2005 Issue 28



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Ms. Rosemarie Teng




Heeding the clamor of its customers, GODIVA Skin Station is bringing back its incredible Diamond Peel promo with more attractive features and freebies.

The Diamond Peel is down to P550 per session, from its regular price of P2,200, with no restriction in purchases. The Diamond Peel can also be combined with Godiva’s new Vitamin C ionotheraphy for only P750. And the popular combo of facial and Diamond Peel is also back, for only P1,000.

Customers can now also avail themselves of the Club G membership, and enjoy unlimited beauty rewards and free Godiva products with only a minimum purchase of P5,000. The Diamond Peel services can be combined with laser permanent hair removal, photorejuvenation, massage and body scrubs, all at drop-down prices. Club G members get automatic discounts from their purchases, and earn points with the Bring-A-Friend program.

An interest-free installment scheme for three months is also available for all Equitable and Banco de Oro credit cardholders for a minimum purchase of P3,000. This promo is available until November 30, 2005 only.

Godiva Beauty Bulletin October 2005 Issue 27

Godiva Beauty Bulletin10_27Service Bulletin: Get to Know Our Exclusive Treatments!

The War On Warts

Having warts is no laughing matter. While not exactly life-threatening, warts can be disfiguring, and gives off the impression that you couldn’t care less about the way you look.

Warts are caused by a viral infection of the human papilloma virus (HPV) in the top layer of skin or mucous membranes. Usually skin-colored and rough-textured, though some can be dark and smooth, warts affect only the epidermis – the top layer of the skin.

How To Avoid Getting Warts

Avoid direct wart skin contact with someone who is infected. This means that you have to make sure that your loved ones also undergo warts removal so as to prevent getting re-infected.

Avoid sharing towels, clothes, cosmetics, bed linens and other personal items.

Take precautions not to spread the virus to other parts of your body from picking or filing the wart.

After touching any of your warts, wash your hands thoroughly.

Keep your shoes on. The wart virus thrives in a very moist environment, so always wear plastic thong sandals around swimming pools, health clubs, and locker rooms to avoid foot contact with it.

Clean up. Sometimes, avoidance is as simple as washing down the shower with a product like Lysol or even household bleach; these work to kill viruses and bacteria.

Play it cool. People seem to be more susceptible to warts when they’re under stress and eating poorly. So try to take it easy.

At Godiva Skin Station, we offer a safe, painless, non-surgical way of removing warts using Electrocauterization (ECT).

First, a topical anesthesia is applied on the affected skin. After 30 minutes or so, a tool with a thin, needle-like hot tip is placed on the wart. The doctor then proceeds to “burn off” the affected area. Initially, the area around the wart may look like it is charred. Treatment takes around 20 to 30 minutes. You will be asked to apply post-ECT cream for 3 days to speed up healing. After 3-5 days, your skin heals. It will appear scar- and wart-free.

The best time to have your warts removed is during long weekends. Take advantage of the coming holidays and schedule your warts removal NOW!

Stop by Godiva Skin Station today and say hello to smoother, wart-free skin!



Godiva Is Now with Globe Girlfriends!

All Globe subscribers can now enjoy the added benefit of a 10% discount off Godiva Skin Station products and services.

Simply sign up to be a Girlfriend by texting CLUB Complete name/complete address/birth month/birth day/birth year and sending this to 2209. Once registered, you can now enjoy a world of freebies, special invites to exclusive events and discounts from partner merchants such as Godiva Skin Station. It’s as easy as that!

So enroll now, and enter a world of beauty benefits the Godiva way!



The Makati Bel-Air branch will be closed on October 31 and November 1 in observance of All Saints’ Day.

Pretty Young Thing

cover story for Girlfriend magazine, August 2008, pp.56-59

Jodi Sta. Maria-Lacson is among the new generation of cool young moms, juggling work, life, play and family like a pro and looking damn good while she’s at it.

She beguiled us as Lia Buenavista in “Pangako sa ‘yo”, caught our eye in her portrayal of George in “Tabing Ilog”, and showcased her charm and dramatic flair in films such as “Jologs,” “Bagong Buwan”, “Birhen ng Manaoag” and “Noon at Ngayon”. Yet behind the doe-eye beauty lies a practical, no-nonsense air that is refreshing for its honesty and directness. Meet Jodi Chrissie Sta.Maria-Lacson, actress from the Star Magic stable of ABS-CBN.


This writer arrived at the venue exactly on time, yet was still beaten from the early-bird award by the actress herself. Already seated before the make-up artist, she exudes a serene air amidst the bustle of pre-shoot preparations. Her son, Thirdy, romped about, under the watchful eye of his mom and yaya.

When asked for shopping tips, she exclaimed “Shopping?!?!” before breaking out into peals of laughter. “Naku, I’m not into shopping talaga. Di ako mahilig dun.”

But when prodded, she admitted ”I buy what I need for work, but for porma, I always wear pants, blouse, slippers. Kasi i have a hard time putting on (clothes), kung anong fashionable or stylish, kasi I’m used to jeans.”

“What I do, I bring all my clothes sa set then they mix and match and they tell me ‘O, you wear this and ganyan.’ Pero yung ako lang mag-isa, effort ito for me”, she said. “Besides, I get my clothes from my sponsors.”

But when it comes to comfort, this lady has specific likes. “Sa sandals, basta wala lang straps sa likod, walang masakit.”

When it comes to her son, “pag nasa mall ako, asahan mo, you’ll see me in the baby section. Clothes, toys ‘di masyado ‘coz ang dami na rin kasi e. Yung first birthday niya, I asked for diapers and milk lang for my kid.”


Her easy, practical ways is also mirrored in her minimalist beauty routine. “I buy lang what I need; kung hindi naman kailangan, I really don’t spend. Favorite brands ko? MAC, Shu Uemura, The Body Shop. Nice yung brushes ng Body Shop, kasi they’re not too expensive pero super-soft ang bristles nila”, she explained.

“There’s also this product I’m endorsing, it’s called Hype. It’s a local brand. Yung soap niya, yun ang ginagamit ko pang lather sa face, then I use exfoliating gloves every other day. Sa skin care, Hype lotion. For shampoo, Pantene.”

Warming up on the topic, Jodi reveals her preference for Art Deco makeup remover. “I wash my face with soap and water, then Hype facial cream. Kasi to begin with, ‘di oily yung face ko.” The make-up artist concurred, “maganda yung skin niya”.

As for an exercise regimen, she confesses to having none. “Di ako nag gi-gym. I guess its because I’m blessed with good genes. Pero pang-karpintero ako pag kumain, makanin ako at ‘di ma-ulam”, she giggled.


A peek inside Jodi’s bag reveals a clutch of daily neccesities she considers she cannot do without. “Number one is my cellphone, as its my way to communicate with my son and husband, and sa mga angels sa house. And then, my lip balm, ‘coz lagi, every single day of my life, dry ang lips ko. Lagi siyang nagka-crack, so must-have ko yan sa bag, ‘di pwedeng wala. Wallet. I have a novena, a small prayer book given to me by Jomari Yllana. Nagpapalit-palit man ako ng bag, laging kasama yang prayer book na yan. And I find time to pray with it, kahit minsan sa car ko, or while waiting for my turn to tape”, she said.

A PSP player also makes an occasional appearance, for those times she needs to while away the hours in between takes.


Outside of work, Jodi says she likes to live an unfettered lifestyle, without typical celebrity trappings of a wild and reckless nightlife. ” “Sa house lang ako, kasi hindi ako mahilig pumunta ng mall para mag-shopping, dahil unang una, hindi ako mahilig mag-shopping”, she reiterated. “Ang relaxation ko lang is yung my time with my son, when we go to the zoo or sa mall, that’s it.”

Currently, the family is enjoying bonding time with her latest purchase: a karaoke machine. “Ay, everybody loves singing! My favorite song? ‘Bring Me to Life’ by Evanescence, as well as any song by the Carpenters”, she laughingly said.

When their house was being constructed, Jodi was in charge of furnishing it, “from the big appliances down to the kubyertos, ako ang personal na namili (ng gamit).”

“I looked for a trusted name when I made my purchases. Ang hirap pa minsan, sa sobra ating makatipid, minsan, yung quality naman ang nagsa-suffer. So I don’t want that naman na, mura nga, tapos, bili ka ng bili. Example, for my cooktop, bibili ako ng brand na kilala for cooktops. I ask around, I do research. At saka, may budget ako. I have to find a cooktop na maganda yug quality pero durable siya, maganda yung performance niya, and within the budget”, she explained.


Jodi today is a far cry from the Jodi of yesteryears. Prior to her marriage to Panfilo “Pampi” Lacson Jr., she admitted to being a party girl. “I used to go out a lot talaga. Kahit every week or every other day yung party, present. May bagong bukas na bar, bagong bukas na club, expect me there, present.”

But motherhood bought about a 360-degree change. “When I had my son, wala, nag-iba na, I’m not into those na. I’d rather go home; now, parang nai-ingayan na ako, unlike before. Now, deretso uwi, minsan I’d think, ‘shucks, sana matapos na taping, I miss my son, I wanna be with my family na.”

As a first time mother, Jodi shares a couple of tips that she found invaluable. “Number one is patience. Kasi, di mo maituturo kung anong dapat mong gawin. Walang manual ang babies; when it comes to raising your child, pakiramdaman lang, kasi what may work for one may not work for this baby.”

“And, enjoy your kid while they’re still young. Yun ang turo sa akin ng mother ko, kasi pag lumaki na yan, may kanya-kanyang barkada, diyan mo mami-miss. Yung parang, ‘sana humahabol ka pa sa akin, yung laging naka-dikit sa akin’, ganun.”


Currently, Jodi is slated to come out in “Sisa”, an independent film. “I’m also doing a soap, a teleserye with ABS-CBN, pero we’ll start taping pa lang in July. And there are two movies lined-up, so, medyo busy”, she revealed.

Make-up over, Jodi pauses to pick up her son, hugging him close as he babbles on about the camera. He asks his mother for her wedding ring; she hands it over to the excited child, tenderly warning him, ‘o, take care not to throw it, or else lagot tayo kay daddy.”

Wife, mother, actress, and more. In her own distinctive way, Jodi Sta.Maria-Lacson may very well personify the new face of the modern Filipino woman.

Who Motivated You Today? 60 Minutes: Interviews With People Who Inspire

In the course of living the modern life, it is so easy to e caught up in the busyness of the rat race, of making a living, or simply making it to the next day, and the day after. It is all too easy to lose sight of the bigger picture, and have our humanity diminished by the routine we fall into.

It is the idea of having someone to look up, to be inspired to achieve a better version of one’s self that helped provide the germ behind the book 60 Minutes: Interviews with people who inspire.

Released under Anvil Publishing, “60 Minutes” began life as a Sunday column in the Manila Bulletin’s Students and Campuses section.

According to Ivy Lisa Mendoza in the book’s introduction, ” the operative words (were): inspiration, achiever, role model.” Working with her were co-writers Ronald S. Lim, Rachel Castro Barawid, Angelo G. Garcia, Ina H. Malipot, and Jaser A. Marasigan.

“As ’60 Minutes’ endeavors to feature Filipinos who can inspire and rouse the younger generation to be the best that they can be, we took it upon ourselves to present the journeys of the people who have done well in their respective fields, be it in government, business, media, the academe, the arts and sciences, and showbiz!”

The book tells the stories from a wide selection of extraordinary Filipinos. There’s tycoon John Gokongwei, Jr., whose advice include “Feet on the ground and dream. You have to build it brick by brick. Don’t just jump. Those who jump don’t last long.” National Artists Virgilio Almario and Bienvenido Lumbera discussed language and the function of education while sharing their observations on literature, while actress/chef Judy Ann Santos mused about new beginnings as she talked about her love for continuous learning, on juggling acting while studying, and the value of work and saving for the future.

Other personalities included in this volume are Dr. Josette Biyo, Boy Abunda, Fr. James Reuter, SJ, Cecilio K. Pedro, Rico Hizon, Rosa Rosal, Dolphy, President Benigno Aquino III, Efren Peñaflorida, Br. Armin Luistro and Fr. Bienvenido Nebres, SJ, former Mayor Alfredo Lim, and Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago.

Mendoza notes that “behind these personalities are great stories; from crazy mishaps to moments of great triumph and mini tell-alls!”

By reading these stories of fears, hopes, of dreams, defeats and triumphs, readers can hopefully pick up valuable life lessons within the pages of this book.

“60 Minutes” is available in National Bookstore, Bestsellers, and Powerbooks outlets nationwide.

***This article originally appeared in now defunct***